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18 signs that you're really a granny trapped in a 20-something's body

“No I can’t, Emmerdale is on.”

Mrs-Brown-s-Boys_final_5082787_5082777 Source: RTÉ

1. You have a bedtime and you are put out if anything gets in the way of it

2. You think Mrs Brown’s Boys is an absolute hoot now begod

3. You have said “Isn’t it great to sit down?” in all sincerity

4. The Chase was your gateway drug. Now you’re addicted to Pointless, Countdown, and Tipping Point

tipping-point_zpsa13e07a9 Source: Photobucket

5. And the soaps too. You love the soaps. Even Emmerdale

6. You’ve had to ask someone to explain a certain Snapchat/Instagram/Facebook feature to you

7. You have considered the merits of a shopping trolley…

8. …Or you actually have a shopping trolley, and you LOVE IT

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9. Your poor knees are in BITS (or some other suitably nan-like health complaint)

10. You love a scratch card

11. And if you haven’t already done Telly Bingo, you’ve thought about it

12. You’ve loudly shushed someone for talking over the radio/telly

Granny panties work wonders. Source: NBC News

13. Short skirts no longer hold any appeal. You like to be adequately covered

14. Same with knickers. The bigger the better

15. You call people your own age ‘pet’, ‘loveen’, or ‘chicken’

16. Having to leave the house after 8pm is a great upset to you

17. You’re disappointed if you don’t get to drink at least five cups of tea a day

18. And you wouldn’t have a digestive to go with it now, would you? Ah thanks peteen

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